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LIVER - 1999年
No.0635 Surgery for primary liver cancer - A forty years survey
臓器別: LIVER
Xin-Da Zhou, Zhao-You Tang, Ye-Qin Yu, Zeng-Chen Ma and Zhi-Quan Wu
Liver Cancer Institute, Zhong Shan Hospital, Shanghai Medical University
J. Microwave Surg. 1999 17:32-40
Languages: English English Abstract

No.0636 The efficacy and the indication of microwave coagulation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
臓器別: LIVER
Katsuyoshi Tabuse and Takeshi Tsuji
Department of Surgery, Osaka Minami National Hospital
J. Microwave Surg. 1999 17:41-48
Languages: English English Abstract
hepatocellular carcinoma, microwave coagulation therapy, hepatectomy
No.0637 肝細胞癌に対するDay Surgery PMCTの実際

Day surgery percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
臓器別: LIVER
葛城 邦浩, 広橋 一裕, 坂田 親治, 久保 正二, 田中 宏, 塚本 忠司, 首藤 太一, 木下 博明
大阪市立大学医学部第二外科Second Department of Surgery, Osaka City University Medical School
J. Microwave Surg. 1999 17:49-54
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
Percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy, Day Surgery, Hepatocellular carcinoma
No.0638 区域境界部肝癌におけるバルーン阻血下経皮的マイクロ波凝固例の検討

Balloon ischemic percutaneous microwave coagulation for hepatic tumor of segmental borderline area
臓器別: LIVER
柴田 高, 新居延 高宏, 北田 昌之, 島野 高志, 高見 元敞, 石田 毅, 井上 豊, 稲田 正己, 村上 卓道
市立豊中病院外科1) 放射線科2) 内科3) 大阪大学医学部放射線科Department of Surgery1), Radiology2), Internal Medicine3), Toyonaka Municipal HospitalDepartment of Ragiology4), Osaka University Medical School
J. Microwave Surg. 1999 17:55-60
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
segmental borderline hepatic cancer, microwave coagulation, hepatic vessel occlusion
No.0639 肝腫瘍に対する経皮的マイクロウェーブ凝固壊死療法の適応と限界 - 遺残および局所再発例の検討から -

Indications for percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy of hepatic tumor as identified by assesing the tumor persistence and local recurrence
臓器別: LIVER
片桐 聡, 高崎 健, 大坪 毅人, 山本 雅一, 桂川 秀雄, 福田 千文, 斉藤 明子
東京女子医科大学附属消化器病センター1) 同外科2) 同内科3),Institute of Gastroenterology1) Department of Surgery2), Department of Internal Medicine3), Tokyo Women's Medical University
J. Microwave Surg. 1999 17:61-66
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
hepatic tumor, percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy, local response
No.0640 肝細胞癌に対するマイクロ波凝固療法 - 適応拡大のための工夫点を中心に -

New approaches in microwave coagulation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
臓器別: LIVER
別府 透, 松田 貞士, 前田 健晴, 広田 昌彦, 島田 信也, 山中 剛, 山口 康雄, 小川 道雄
熊本大学医学部第二外科Second Department of Surgery, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
J. Microwave Surg. 1999 17:67-70
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
microwave coagulation therapy(MCT), artificial hydrothorax and ascites, carbon dioxideenhanced ultrasonography(CO2 angio-US), multi-needle insertion technique, biliary cooling
No.0641 主肝静脈,および肝門側グリソン浸潤肝癌への開腹下マイクロ波壊死凝固療法の適応と限界

The indication and limitation of microwave coagulation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma, invading the trunk of hepatic vein or proximal glisson
臓器別: LIVER
増田 栄司, 緑川 武正, 菊地 浩彰, 長崎 秀彰, 酒井 均, 千葉 正博, 石橋 一慶, 門倉 茂樹, 斉藤 多紀子, 真田 裕, 熊田 薫, 草野 満夫
昭和大学藤が丘病院外科1),病理2)Department of Surgery1), Department of Pathology2), Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital
J. Microwave Surg. 1999 17:71-78
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
microwave coagulation therapy, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic vein, glisson, indication
No.0642 Endoscopic microwave coagulation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
臓器別: LIVER
Kunihiko Tsuji,Haruyuki Yoshida,John-Hong Kang,Yasuo Sakurai,Akio Katanuma,Shigeki Miyoshi,Manabu Osanai,Nobuyuki Yanagawa,Shinichi Izumi,Hideto Itoh,Seiji Watanabe,Kuniyuki Takahashi,Masafumi Nomura,Hiroyuki Maguchi,Junichi Yoshida and Hiroshi Maekubo
Center for Gastroenterology1), Internal Medcine2), Teine Keijinkai Hospital
J. Microwave Surg. 1999 17:79-84
Languages: English English Abstract
microwave coagulation therapy, laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, hepatocellular carcinoma, endo angle probe
No.0643 肝表面に存在する肝細胞癌に対する経皮的マイクロ波凝固療法

Percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma on the liver surface
臓器別: LIVER
木岡 清英, 倉井 修, 中井 隆志, 川崎 靖子, 岡 博子, 針原 重義, 宋 健二, 黒木 哲夫
大阪市立総合医療センター消化器内科1) Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka City General Hospital大阪市立十三市民病院内科2) Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Muncipal Juso-Shimin Hospital大阪市立大学医学部第三内科3) Third Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka City University Medical School
J. Microwave Surg. 1999 17:85-88
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
hepatocellular carcinoma, percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy, artificial ascites
No.0644 マイクロ波を用いた腹腔鏡下の肝癌治療

Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with use of microwave coagulation under laparoscopy
臓器別: LIVER
坂口 浩樹, 田守 昭博, 森川 浩安, 羽生大記, 西口 修平, 塩見 進, 関 守一, 黒木 哲夫, 半羽 宏之, 久保 正二, 広橋 一裕, 木下 博明
大阪市立大学医学部第三内科1) 第二外科2)Third Department of Internal Medicine1), Second Department of Surgery2), Osaka City University Medical School
J. Microwave Surg. 1999 17:89-94
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
hepatocellular carcinoma, microwave coagulation, laparoscopic hepatectomy
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