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LIVER - 1998年
No.0562 阻血下肝マイクロ波凝固の実験的検討

An experimental study on microwave coagulation in ischemic liver
臓器別: LIVER
柴田 高, 新居延高宏, 村上 卓道, 石田 毅, 柴田 信博, 高見 元
市立豊中病院外科 *同放射線科Department of Surgery, Toyonaka municipal hospital*Department of Radiology, Toyonaka municipal hospital
J. Microwave Surg. 1998 16:5-10
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
microwave coagulation, bovine model, ischemic liver, experimental pathological study Accepted on Jan.20.1998
No.0563 小児肝悪性腫瘍切除におけるマイクロ波凝固療法の有用性

Usefulness of microwave tissue coagulator (MCT) for resection of hepatic malignant tumor in childhood
臓器別: LIVER
宮国 孝男, 草野 敏臣, 青木 啓光, 武藤 良弘
琉球大学医学部第一外科First Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus
J. Microwave Surg. 1998 16:11-14
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
hepatic resection, liver malignant tumor, childhood
No.0564 肝腫瘍に対する全身麻酔下経皮的マイクロウェーブ凝固壊死療法の有効性の検討

Percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy under general anesthesia for hepatic tumors
臓器別: LIVER
片桐 聡, 高崎 健, 次田 正, 山本 雅一, 有賀 淳, 鈴木 隆文, 大坪 毅人, 小林 秀規, 竹並 和之, 斉藤 明子
東京女子医科大学附属消化器病センター *同外科 **同内科Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical University*Department of Surgery, Tokyo Women's Medical University**Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University
J. Microwave Surg. 1998 16:15-20
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy, treatment under general anesthesia, hepatic tumor
No.0565 小肝細胞癌に対する経皮的マイクロ波凝固療法(PMCT)の適応と限界

Percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy for small hepatocellular carcinoma
臓器別: LIVER
北本 幹也, 高橋 洋一, 川上 由育, 相方 浩, 鎌田 耕治, 高石 英樹, 浅田 備之, 中西 敏夫, 梶山 梧朗
広島大学医学部第一内科First Department of Internal Medicine, Hiroshima University, School of Medicine
J. Microwave Surg. 1998 16:21-26
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
hepatocellular carcinoma, microwave coagulation, percutaneous local treatment
No.0566 肝細胞癌に対する経皮マイクロウェーブ凝固療法 - Advantage と Disadvantage -

Percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
- Advantage and Disadvantage -
臓器別: LIVER
大崎 往夫, 木村 達, 喜多 竜一, 国立 裕之, 高松 正剛, 友野 尚美, 清水 達夫
大阪赤十字病院内科Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka Red Cross Hospital
J. Microwave Surg. 1998 16:27-32
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
hepatocellular carcinoma, percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy, postoperative
No.0567 肝細胞癌に対する経皮的低出力マイクロ波腫瘍凝固療法の検討

Usefulness of percutaneous microwave tissue coagulation therapy for small hepatocellular carcinoma
臓器別: LIVER
澤村 明廣, 青儀 健二郎, 南 一仁, 峠 哲哉
広島大学原爆放射能医学研究所 腫瘍外科Department of Surgical Oncology, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University
J. Microwave Surg. 1998 16:33-36
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
percutaneous transhepatic microwave coagulation therapy (PMCT), small hepatocellular carcinoma
No.0568 肝細胞癌に対する経皮的熱湯局注療法併用下マイクロ波凝固治療

Percytaneous hot water injection and microwave coagulation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
臓器別: LIVER
山崎 隆弘, 加藤 彰*, 草野 倫好, 弘中 孝治, 久保 圭子, 寺井 崇二,黒川 典枝, 薮下 芳子**, 森 健治**, 水町 宗治**, 沖田 極
山口大学医学部第一内科 *山口県立中央病院消化器科 **下関市立中央病院消化器内科First department of Internal Medicine,Yamaguchi University, School of Medicine*Department of Gastroenterology, Yamaguchi Muncipal Central Hospital**Department of Gastroenterology, Shimonoseki City Hospital
J. Microwave Surg. 1998 16:37-42
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), percutaneous hot water injection and microwave coagulation therapy (PHMCT), percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy (PMCT)
No.0569 陳旧性心筋梗塞、慢性腎不全、閉塞性動脈硬化症を伴う肝細胞癌症例に対する経皮的マイクロ波凝固法・経皮的エタノール注入療法併用療法

Combination therapy with percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy and percutaneous ethanol injection therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma in a patient with old myocardial infarction, chronic renal failure and arteriosclerosis obliterans
臓器別: LIVER
小豆畑 丈夫, 藤崎 滋, 三宅 洋, 大井田 尚継, 五十嵐 誠吾, 君塚 圭, 天野 定雄, 福澤 正洋
日本大学医学部第一外科First Department of Surgery, Nihon University, School of Medicine
J. Microwave Surg. 1998 16:43-46
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
HCC,PMCT,PEIT, Combination therapy
No.0570 大腸癌肝転移に対するマイクロ波凝固壊死療法

A study of microwave coagulo-necrotic therapy (MCN) for liver metastases of colorectal cancer
臓器別: LIVER
長田 康彦, 日高 久光, 黒木 政純, 廣国 敏昭, 外山 裕二, 冷水 宏行, 馬場 広
大腸肛門病センター日高病院Coloproctology Center, Hidaka Hospital
J. Microwave Surg. 1998 16:47-52
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
Microwave, liver metastases, colorectal cancer, MCN
No.0571 慢性腎不全を有する肝癌に対するMicrowave療法のAdvantage

Advantage of microwave coagulo-necrotic therapy for hepatic cancer with chronic failure
臓器別: LIVER
大井田 尚継, 三宅 洋, 藤崎 滋, 森 健一郎, 泰 伶志, 天野 定雄, 八ツ橋 輝海, 福澤 正洋
日本大学医学部第一外科 *横須賀市立市民病院外科First Department of Surgery, Nihon University, School of Medicine*Departemtn of Surgery, Yokosuka Muncipal Hospital
J. Microwave Surg. 1998 16:53-58
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
MCT(microwave coagulo-necrotic therapy), chronic renal failure, QOL(quality of life)
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