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LIVER - 1996年
No.0451 マイクロ波凝固による病理組織学的変化と細胞活性

Histopathological evaluation of microwave tissue coagulation for rat liver tumor
臓器別: LIVER
吉本 晃宏, 澤村 明廣, 青儀 健二郎, 峠 哲哉, 国安 弘基, 田原 栄一
広島大学原爆放射能医学研究所 腫瘍外科 *同 医学部第一病理Department of Surgical Oncology, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University *First Department of Pathology, Hiroshima University School of Medicine
J. Microwave Surg. 1996 14:17-22
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
microwave tissue coagulation, DNA damage, liver tumor
No.0452 Endoscopic or mini open microwave coagulo-necrotic therapy for small hepatocellular carcinoma ; an alternative to hepatectomy and percutaneous ethanol injection therapy
臓器別: LIVER
Hideki Saitsu, Toshimichi Nakayama* and Michio Sata**
Surgery of National Kyushu Medical Center*Second Department of Surgery, Kurume University, School of Medicine**Second Department of Internal Medicine, Kurume University, School of Medicine
J. Microwave Surg. 1996 14:37-42
Languages: English English Abstract
small hepatocellular carcinoma, microwave surgery, microwave coagulo-necrotic therapy, hepatectomy, percutaneous ethanol injection therapy
No.0453 Bedside treatmentとしての経皮的マイクロ波腫瘍凝固療法

Usefulness of the percutaneous transhepatic microwave tissue coagulation therapy for the liver tumor as a bedside treatment
臓器別: LIVER
澤村 明廣, 青儀 健二郎, 吉本 晃宏, 峠 哲哉
広島大学原爆放射能医学研究所 腫瘍外科Department of Surgical Oncology, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University
J. Microwave Surg. 1996 14:43-48
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
percutaneous transhepatic microwave tissue coagulation, small liver tumor
No.0454 肝癌に対するマイクロ波凝固療法-特に肝内脈管に対する影響について

Microwave coagulation therapy for liver tumor : The effect on the intrahepatic vessels
臓器別: LIVER
緑川 武正, 菊地 浩彰, 松本 匡史, 増田 栄司, 武内 聖, 山口 真彦, 中野 浩, 八木 秀文, 加沢 昌洋, 真田 裕, 成原 健太郎, 熊田 薫, 斉藤 多紀子, 光谷 俊幸
昭和大学藤が丘病院外科 *同病理Department of Surgery, Showa University Fujigaoka HospitalDepartment of Pathology, Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital
J. Microwave Surg. 1996 14:49-56
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
liver cancer, microwave coagulation therapy, intrahepatic vessels, glisson, hepatic vein, canine model, experimental pathological study
No.0455 小肝癌に対する経皮的マイクロ波凝固壊死療法の実際

Practice of percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy for small liver cancer
臓器別: LIVER
岡本 有三, 浅原 利正, 中谷 玉樹, 福田 敏勝, 矢野 將嗣, 日野 裕史, 越智 誠, 中原 英樹, 片山 幸治, 板本 敏行, 杉野 圭三, 丸 林誠二, 小野 栄治, 土肥 雪彦
広島大学医学部第二外科Second Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Hiroshima University
J. Microwave Surg. 1996 14:57-62
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy, liver cancer
No.0456 肝細胞癌治療におけるマイクロ波凝固療法の役割

The role of microwave coagulation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
臓器別: LIVER
田中 恒雄, 山中 若樹, 折山 毅, 古川 一隆, 市川 信隆, 田中 渉, 岡本 英三
兵庫医科大学第一外科First Department of Surgery, Hyogo college of medicine
J. Microwave Surg. 1996 14:63-68
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
hepatocellular carcinoma, microwave coagulation therapy
No.0457 術中microwave tissue coagulation療法併用肝切除術を施行した進行肝細胞癌の治療

Hepatectomy combing with intraoperative microwave tissue coagulation therapy for advanced hepatocelluar carcinoma
臓器別: LIVER
駒田 尚直, 上辻 章二, 權 雅憲, 高井 惣一郎, 今村 敦, 中川 明彦, 上山 泰男
関西医科大学第一外科First Depatment of Surgery, Kansai Medical University
J. Microwave Surg. 1996 14:69-76
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
hepatocellular carcinoma, surgical treatment, microwave tissue coagulation therapy
No.0458 肝癌に対するmicrowave凝固療法(MCN) - 適応と治療効果判定基準 -

Microwave coagulo-necrotic therapy for eight liver cancers
臓器別: LIVER
立石 秀郎, 瀧口 修司, 衣田 誠克, 松井 成生, 矢野 浩司, 丸山 博英, 弥生 恵司, 岡村 純
大阪逓信病院外科Department of Surgery, Osaka Teishin Hospital
J. Microwave Surg. 1996 14:77-82
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
microwave coagulo-necrotic therapy, indication, effication, hepatocellular carcinoma, metastatic liver cancer
No.0459 マイクロ波凝固装置による肝癌切除症例における術後合併症の検討

Postoperative complications related to the use of microwave tissue coagulator in hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma
臓器別: LIVER
遠藤 正章, 袴田 健一, 鳴海 俊治, 板橋 幸弘, 滝口 純, 羽田 隆吉, 佐々木 睦男, 今 充
弘前大学医学部第二外科Department of Surgery, Hirosaki University School of Medicine
J. Microwave Surg. 1996 14:83-88
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
microwave tissue coagulator, microwave surgery, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatectomy, postoperative complication
No.0460 小肝細胞癌に対する経皮的エタノール注入療法(PEI)

Percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) in the treatment of small hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
臓器別: LIVER
江原 正明, 福田 浩之, 吉川 正治, 杉浦 信之, 税所 宏光
千葉大学第一内科First Department of Medicine, Chiba University
J. Microwave Surg. 1996 14:89-94
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), PEI, ethanol injection, treatment, ultrasound
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