
Katsuyoshi Tabuse,
M.D., PhD.,
The Study Group of Microwave Surgery, a specified nonprofit corporation, was originally established as a private organization in 1983 with MSSG as its parent organization. It was certified as an NPO by the Osaka Prefectural Government on February 19, 2004. The objectives of this NPO are to conduct projects related to medical applications of electromagnetic microwaves, promote interactions with relevant academic organizations and businesses, facilitate the education of healthcare personnel and knowledge, and contribute to the advancement and development of clinical medicine and medical engineering. Our ultimate goals are fostering academic and cultural development and exchange, and contributing toward global medical welfare. As you are aware, microwave surgery has been attracting worldwide attention as a medical technology of Japanese origin.
The MSSG has pursued the thermal effects of electromagnetic waves in the past. However, with recent advances made in their non-thermal effects, our efforts at present are also directed at basic research in the fields of biotechnology, pharmacology, and pathology.
We are pleased to report that in May 2007, our Journal of Microwave Surgery was registered in J-STAGE, an online electronic journal system operated by Japan Science and Technology (JST). Further, our journal was approved as “Journal @rchive” in 2009, and volumes 1 through 30 (the most recent volume) are now available.
The journals published in J-STAGE are not limited to only those in the medical fields, but also include a broad range of sciences (engineering, chemistry, physics, etc.). In addition, the JST Link Center used by J-STAGE is under contract with “CrossRef,” which is currently expanding rapidly. As a result, it is possible for electronic journals registered in J-STAGE to be interactively accessed among and between various journals from home and abroad. Through this J-STAGE registration it is expected that a large number of researchers from around the world will be accessing the Journal of Microwave Surgery. Accordingly, our research journal will henceforth only be published electronically.
Medical technology and knowledge are expanding on a worldwide scale. Microwave surgery, the main theme of our study group, is becoming widely known as Japan’s original medical technique. Furthermore, it is gratifying to know that basic and clinical applications of our main theme have been increasingly promoted as a microwave science.
Fully confident of playing an important role in medical welfare in the future, we are committed to sustain our activities and we look forward to receiving your kind support and cooperation.
August 1, 2013
Katsuyoshi TABUSE, M.D., Ph.D.
Study Group of Microwave Surgery
(A Specified Nonprofit Corporation)
April, 2009 Greetings