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Katsuyoshi Tabuse, MD, Editor in chief, Journal of Microwave Surgery, c/o Department of Surgery, National Hospital Organization Osaka Minami Medical Center, 2-1, Kidohigashi-machi, Kawachinagano City, Osaka, 586-8521, japan.

Intoductions to authors

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Table of contents
Manuscripts for publication and all correspondence should be sent to:

    Katsuyoshi Tabuse, MD, Editor in chief, Journal of Microwave Surgery, c/o Department of Surgery, National Hospital Organization Osaka Minami Medical Center, 2-1, Kidohigashi-machi, Kawachinagano City, Osaka, 586-8521, japan.

Manuscript form:

    Two complete sets of manuscripts, including tables and figures, must be supplied; abstract, text, references, and table and figure legends must be typed double space with wide margins on the side of good quality A4 paper. A complete list of submitted materials must accompany each manuscript, Incomplete or improperly prepared manuscripts will be returned to authors without review.

    A separate title page should be provided. Abstract, text, acknowledgements, reference, tables, legends, and figures should begin on separate sheets and follow in that order. Standard abbreviations and units should be used. Define abbreviations at first appearance, and avoid their use in the title and abstract. Use generic names of drugs and chemi-cals.

    All manuscripts must be written in English, Authors whose mother tongue is not English should seek the assis-tance of a colleague who is a native English speaker and familier with the field of the work. Manuscripts that have been extensively modified in the editorial process will be returned to the authors for retyping.

Title page:

    Titles should be brief, specific, and informative.Include full names of authors, academic affiliation, address to which proofs are to be sent, including a fax number, a short title (not exceeding 35 letters and spaces); and 3-5 key words or phrases for indexing.


    A concise description (not more than 130 words of the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions is required.
    Text: The text of experimental articles should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.


    Number references consecutively in the order cited in the text. not alphabetically. Accuracy of reference data is the author's responsibility. Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the refer-ence list but should be cited in parentheses in text. If such a citation is from someone other than the authors, a letter should be submitted in which the direct quotation is given with the author's signature. Provide inclusive page numbers for all references. Provide all author's names (the use of ″et al."is unacceptable). Journal titles should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus. For papers written in Japanese, follow the style of example 1). If such a paper has an English abstract. see example 2).

      1) Tabuse Y, Tabuse K, Mori K, Nagai Y, Kobayashi Y, Egawa H, Noguchi H, Yamaue H, Katsumi M, Nagasaki Y: Percutaneous Microwave Tissue Coagulation in Liver Biopsy; Experimental and clinical Studies.Arch Jpn Chir 55:381-392, 1986

      2) Light MR, Novick AC: Nephron sparing surgery for renal cell carcinoma. J Urol 149: 1-7, 1993

      3) Shimahara Y, Kikuchi T, Yamamoto Y: Hepatic mito-chondrial redox potential and nutritional support in liver insufficiency. in Nutritional support in Organ Failure, ed by Tanaka T, Okada A. Amsterdam, Elsevire Science Pulishers, 295-308, 1990

Figures, tables and photographs:

    All future publications from Vol. 31 will be made only on online journal (“J-STAGE”). As a general rule, figures, tables and photographs submitted in colors will be published in color images at no additional cost. Please submit color data for color images.

    Figures should be cited in the text. Halftones; i.e. photomicrographs and shaded drawings should be prepared as glossy prints. Line drawings; good quality photocopies are sufficient, the height and thickness of letters and numbers in illustrations must be legible wreduced. Figure number, and top of the k of each print. Do not mount photos. Figure legends should be typed on a separ should be indicated in the left margin of the manuscript. If a figure has been published previously, acknowledge its source and submit written permission of the author and publisher. The previously published source should also be included in the references.


    should be cited in the text. Each table should be given a number and a brief informative title, and should appear on a separate page. The legend should be included with the table. Explain in footnotes all abbreviations used.

Length of articles:

    Original article: The text should not exceed 4 printed pages in length, including references. Three (3) manuscript pages appoximately correspond to one printed page. Twures of tables should be counted as one manuscript page.
    Review article: Should not exceed 10 printed pages.Case report on interest: The text should not exceed 4 print- ed page. With no more than 6 figures or tables.

    Surgeon at work: This section will include short articles on operative techniques recommendable for clinical and expe-rimantal surgery. The text shoud not exceed 4 printed pages, with no more than 6 figures or tables.

    Basic knowledge of interest: This section will provide infor-mation on the latest developments in vof interest to the surgeon, including anatomy, hematology, oncology. pathology and medical engineering area. Each contribution for this section should focus on a theme that will be useful in the practice of Microwave surgery, as well as being of interest in terms of expanding basic knowledge. The text should not exceed 4 printed pages.

    All articles should include references, a short abstract, a running title, and key words for indexing. If the printed pages of any article exceed the above limitations, the author will be requested to cover the additional cost.

Privacy information protection principles:
  1. Do not use patient's names, or nicknames, and ID num-bers.
  2. Do not state patient‘s addresses. However, in case dis-eases occurrance is associated to specific places, disclose limited information only (such as cities, prefectures).
  3. In case of dates, state years and months only if these are judged important to report for the process of treatment, but be careful these provided information not implying a vidual.
  4. If combination of patient's information and attended medical departments on report might imply a specific indi-viduai, do not state these medical department‘s names.
  5. If patients are under treatment in other institution, do not disclose such institutions.  However, disregard this. for instance, patients were sent to an emergency hospital and necessary to disclose its name.
  6. In case of using patient photographs. hide eyes. For eye diseases, use enlarged pictures of eyes in order not to show a whole face.
  7. If biological or incubate tests and imaging contain num-bers, please delete them.
  8. Although all considerations said above are taken, if any cvidual. obtain an agreement on publication from an individual patient (or the bereaved, representative, parents in case of children), or ethical committee.
  9. In case of report on genetic disease or human genome analysis, abide by the ethical principals on human genome and genetic analysis issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (2006.3.29).
Patient anonymity and informed consent:

    It is author's responsibility to ensure that all patient's anonymity and privacy can be carefully protected and to verify that any investigation with human subjects reported in the manuscript was performed with informed consent.


    Offprints of each paper are available in lots of 30, 50 or 100: to order these, fill out the order form received with the corrected proofs.Offprints will be available upon reguest at cost.

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