Microwave Surgery 研究会
Microwave Surgery 研究会
文献検索(Bibliographic Retrieval)
2000年 - PANCREAS
Examination of the efficiency of microwave tissue coagulator in preventing pancreatic fistula following distal pancreatectomy performed in addition to total gastrectomy for gastric cancer
Examination of the efficiency of microwave tissue coagulator in preventing pancreatic fistula following distal pancreatectomy performed in addition to total gastrectomy for gastric cancer
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Warning: include(): Failed opening './bunken/pancreas/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php/5.6/lib/php') in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
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Warning: include(): Failed opening './bunken/pancreas/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php/5.6/lib/php') in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(/home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken/pancreas): failed to open stream: Operation now in progress in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(): Failed opening './bunken/pancreas/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php/5.6/lib/php') in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(/home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken/pancreas): failed to open stream: Operation now in progress in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(): Failed opening './bunken/pancreas/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php/5.6/lib/php') in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(/home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken/pancreas): failed to open stream: Operation now in progress in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(): Failed opening './bunken/pancreas/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php/5.6/lib/php') in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(/home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken/pancreas): failed to open stream: Operation now in progress in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(): Failed opening './bunken/pancreas/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php/5.6/lib/php') in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(/home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken/pancreas): failed to open stream: Operation now in progress in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(): Failed opening './bunken/pancreas/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php/5.6/lib/php') in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(/home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken/pancreas): failed to open stream: Operation now in progress in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
Warning: include(): Failed opening './bunken/pancreas/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php/5.6/lib/php') in /home/shanaihou/www/mws/bunken.php on line 207
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