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HEART - 1995年
No.0190 新しい近接型双極電極を用いたマイクロ波凝固による心筋凝固変性の実験的検討
臓器別: HEART
平塚雅英 他

心臓 1995 27(SUPPL3):3-4
Languages: Japanese

No.0191 マイクロ波凝固の不整脈外科への応用に関する実験的研究
臓器別: HEART
渡辺 弘

平成4年度・5年度科学研究費補助金(一般研究(C))研究成果報告書 1995
Languages: Japanese

No.0192 マイクロ波を用いたカテーテルアブレーションの誘電効果:心筋ファントムを用いての検討

Thermal Properties During Catheter Ablation with Microwave Energy in a Myocardium-Equivalent Phantom Model
臓器別: HEART
池田 隆徳, 杉 薫, 円城寺 由久, 笠尾 昌史, 安部 良治, 矢吹 壮, 山口 徹
東邦大学医学部第三内科学教室3rd Dept. of Internal Medicine, Toho Univ. Sch. of Med.
東邦医学会雑誌 1995 42(1):23-32
Languages: Japanese English Abstract
catheter ablation, microwave energy, coaxial electrode catheter, temperature, phantom, arrhythmia
No.0193 Microwave ablation of the atrioventricular junction in open-chest dogs
臓器別: HEART
Lin JC ; Beckman KJ ; Hariman RJ : Bharati S ; Lev M ; Wang YJ

Bioelectromagnetics 1995 16 (2) p97-105
Languages: English
atrioventricular block, heat coagulation, reversible and irreversible block, catheter antenna
No.0194 Biophysics and pathology of catheter energy delivery systems
臓器別: HEART
Nath S ; Haines DE
From the Cardiovascular Division, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Charlottesville VA.
Prog Cardeovasc Dis 1995 37 (4 ) p185-204
Languages: English

No.0195 Experimental study on transcatheter microwave ablation of the right ventricular myocardium
臓器別: HEART
Zhou L ; Huang D ; Chen R
Shanghai Second Medical University
Chinese Journal of Cardiology 1995 23/3 (210-213+237-238)
Languages: Chinese Summary Languages : Chinese ; English

No.0196 Microwave ablation of ventricular myocardium in vitro and in vivo
臓器別: HEART
Yang X ; Wang S ; Ma C
Beijing Red Cross Chao Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing
Chinese Journal of Cardiology 1995 23/1 (34-35+73-74)
Languages: English English Abstract


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